
What does POGGERS mean?

What does POGGERS mean?

What does POGGERS Mean? About 10,000 people search this every month. People also search “What does monkaS mean?” and “What does Pepega mean?” If you’re one of these people then this post is for you. POGGERS POGGERS is a BetterTTV emote. BetterTTV or Better Twitch TV is a browser extention. It adds many emotes to Twitch chat once installed. Without the extension you will see the word “POGGERS”. With the extension you should see a frog with a dropped mouth.
How to block Ads on Twitch in 2019

How to block Ads on Twitch in 2019

Why you should block Ads As someone who has been on twitch for 5 years and a twitch partner, I have always hated Ads. They are dumb. Ads are for baby boomers. Just look at Facebook the only social media platform boomers use. Facebook is spammed with countless ads, they tracks EVERYTHING you click on the site even and target ads based on your data. Facebook even tracks people when they are Not using Facebook.